Peter Kenner died very quickly from pancreatic neuroendocrine cancer, just two months after his diagnosis. At the time, he was in his prime professionally as a long-term value investor and personally enjoying time with family and friends. Although he complained of fatigue off and on, he did not display the classic symptoms of abdominal or back pain, or jaundice, nor did he have any of the typical factors that are associated with increased risk of pancreatic cancer. Peter’s sudden diagnosis and subsequent death were an incomprehensible shock and deep personal loss.
Peter’s story is all too common. Pancreatic cancer is now the third leading cause of cancer-related death in the United States. Since 2005, there has been a steady increase in the number of pancreatic cancer cases. The overall five-year relative survival rate of pancreatic cancer is only 12%. Unlike many other cancers, this rate has not improved significantly in 50 years. Diagnosing the disease at an earlier stage improves survival, the subsequent effective treatment options, and the quality of life for individuals facing this disease.
The key to increasing the survival rate is to intercept pancreatic cancer earlier in the disease process. To meet this challenge, family and friends established Kenner Family Research Fund in Peter’s memory. KFRF invests in innovative initiatives that can lead to the development of a diagnostic protocol for pancreatic cancer. Our efforts are focused on outcomes that will positively impact the time of diagnosis.